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Backing up data

Data Safehaven provides you with easy-to-use software which allows you to choose the folder, sub-folders and files that you want to backup.  This also allows you to schedule automated backups.  Of course, you can manually instruct a backup at any time.  Once you have carried out your initial backup, subsequent backups will only take minutes.  The software uses compression and 'patching' technology to reduce the size of your transmission to the data centresAt the data centres your data is stored in an encrypted format, using an encryption key set by and only known to yourself.  The data sent to the primary data centre is mirrored to a secondary data centre.

Retrieving and restoring data

All backups are retained on the server for both the current month and the month immediately preceding the current month. This means that you can always retrieve a specific version of a document or file that was backed up either during the current month or during the preceding month. For every first backup you do in a new month, all dated backups for the preceding month are kept and the backups for the month before that are consolidated into a single backup set.

Your data is retrieved online using the same software. Similar to backup, you select the folders, sub-folders or files that you want to retrieve.  You can restore them to the original or a new location, with or without the original folder structure.  If you want to restore data to a different PC, you will need to download the software from the Data retrieval and Account maintenance page prior to retrieval.